This qualifies as  "Well, if you don't like kicking yourself in the nose, why don't you stop doing it?" kind of suggestion.

When I open a network drive location and double click on the folder, it opens. 

Yes, if I just click on it and then click on the sub folder I really want it works exactly as it is supposed to. 

This isn't a bug. This is just me telling the world that I am incapable of instantly changing the way I use my flippin mouse. The real answer lies in doing a bunch of other things correctly, I just haven't started doing them that way yet. 

The only bug here is that because i double clicked on a large directory, textMate basically locks up (because it is processing a lot of files over a network connection and even though all CS guys are constantly trying to avoid N^2, it keeps coming back to bite us!). 

Anyone ever try to open a large spreadsheet (say anything over 6,000 rows) in  Numbers. NOT A FUN thing. 


Brad Tittle
Tech Support