Can someone please tell me how this could be done?I am having trouble using the "find and replace" command to covert this:PRODUCTS 2::idDOCUMENTS::idPRODUCTS 2::notePRODUCTS 2::prnt_bleed_lrPRODUCTS 2::prnt_bleed_tbPRODUCTS 2::prnt_gutter_widthPRODUCTS 2::prnt_material_widthPRODUCTS 2::prnt_max_printable_heightPRODUCTS 2::prnt_max_printable_widthto this:getValue( PRODUCTS 2::id ; 1) ;getValue( DOCUMENTS::id ; 1) ;getValue( PRODUCTS 2::note ; 1) ;getValue( PRODUCTS 2::prnt_bleed_lr ; 1) ;getValue( PRODUCTS 2::prnt_bleed_tb ; 1) ;getValue( PRODUCTS 2::prnt_gutter_width ; 1) ;getValue( PRODUCTS 2::prnt_material_width ; 1) ;getValue( PRODUCTS 2::prnt_max_printable_height ; 1) ;getValue( PRODUCTS 2::prnt_max_printable_width ; 1) ;I thought that I could simply:
- find: \r
- replace with: ; 1) ; \r getValue(
This does not work. :(
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