On 10 02 2015, at 02:48, Robert J. Rockefeller <bob@bobrockefeller.com> wrote:

I have a .tm_properties file in the root of my project folder that contains these lines:

excludeInFolderSearch = "{$excludeInFolderSearch,assets,bin,cache,images,logs,node_modules, config.codekit, composer.lock}"
excludeInFileChooser = "{$exclude,$excludeInFolderSearch}”

That doesn’t hide the folders logs, cache, etc. from the file pane.

Do I have the syntax wrong?

If you want folder hidden in your file browser you should use exclude, excludeDirectories or excludeInBrowser.

File Chooser is ⌘T
Folder Search is ⇧⌘F

For more info check out https://gist.github.com/Zearin/9d750721d37af7507c45