Ok, so now I've gotten a little further.  When I do what is stated below, instead of subversion telling me that the address below doesn't exist, it is telling me that it "Could not open the requested SVN filesystem" any thoughts as to why?  Or what I could do to fix it?  Also, when I do an svn up, it tells me "Skipped 'http://macromates.com/svn/bundles/trunk/plugins'".  Any help for a newbie is appreciated.



On 5 Jan, 2007, at 6:28 , Brett Terpstra wrote:


cd /Library/Application\ Support/TextMate
and then
svn co http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/PlugIns
(if asked for name/pass:  anon/anon)

if you've previously checked out the plugins, you can do an svn up Plugins from /Library/Application\ Support/TextMate


On Jan 5, 2007, at 1:57 AM, foodfarmfuture@gmail.com wrote:

Yes, I am using build 1349.  Any other suggestions?


On 4 Jan, 2007, at 23:49 , Steven W. Riggins wrote:

Have you tried Preferences->Software Update->Watch For: Cutting-Edge?

On Jan 4, 2007, at 11:47 PM, foodfarmfuture@gmail.com wrote:

I believe that the clue is in the first line, however, how do I update the dialog plug-in to v7?  Thanks in advance for any help.

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