On 11 Jul 2007, at 14:27, Ale Muņoz wrote:

I've checked your mtasc.yaml and have found the following issues with it:

- you need to change the line that reads "trace: console" to "trace: xtrace"

When it was set to that, I couldn't make any data go into XTrace.  I changed it over as I needed to do some debugging quickly.

- you don't need to add the path to the MTASC binary unless you are
using a custom binary.

The path specified in the build script seemed to be wrong so I ended up specifying it explicitly.

- depending on how you get your application started, you may be
missing a "-main" parameter on your parameters line. So, it should be
"params: -mx -keep -main". This is assuming you're using the MTASC
default behavior of having the main() method start your app.

I took that out as it was of no use to me.  I have a whole pile of classes that needed building so I do them all in one file, I have no use for the main() loop in my application.

Your custom build_with_mtasc.rb looks good to me. I'll test your
modifications and see if I can include them on the bundle. Thank you
very much : )

Glad to be of help.  I think they were just a few extra flags that could be set in mtasc.yaml to perform useful things.

The only other problem I had was that TextMate wouldn't preview the .swf file if it was the full path to the file, hence me needing to add the file as a url rather than just a file.  I'm not sure what was gong on here as I could play the .swf as a file:// in the browser, but not in TextMate.



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