You are my new best friend!

thomas Aylott — design42 — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg

On Dec 30, 2006, at 3:06 PM, Pieter de Bie wrote:

Hey guys,

I know that you're trying to create a code completion library for Ruby (however, I wasn't a member of this list when those messages were posted, so I'm unable to reply to them). I wondered if you are aware of the existence of rct-complete, part of the rcodetools[1]? I believe the current implementation in the Experimental bundle only does static completion. rct-complete, however, can do a lot more:

It actually knows the class get_new() returns, and thus won't suggest test_3.

Well, good luck with your efforts, I hope to see a stable completion library in the Ruby bundle soon!

- Pieter
