On 2 Sep 2008, at 16:50, Simon Gregory wrote:

This  <http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Review/Bundles/ActionScript%203.tmbundle/info.plist 
is currently clean.

So I'd say you created all the conflicts when you ran your update  
script as your working copy contained changes that subversion could  
not automatically merge.

So the sensible thing would be to trash my AS3 bundle and download a fresh one.  I don't think any of the modifications I've made are particularly important and if anything breaks I can probably fix it again.

Will report back with results.

[...] Turns out that the default file supplied by Adobe is also in  
DOS encoding (funny line endings). [...]

I use the Flex SDK versions 2, 3 and 4 and their minor revisions and  
I've not had this problem with any of them (running Leopard).

I've tracked this problem down.  I had Flex installed on my PC, so I copied the folder, rather than the downloaded archive onto my mac, causing most of the files to end up with DOS line endings.  Textbook error really... :)



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