I do select Serpent language explicitly (or it is detected by the file extension). The PHP insertions are not highlighted. However, if I select PHP language, they are. So I am very confused. My guess is I need to do something extra in addition to the simplest language definition I am using now:

{ scopeName = 'source.serpent';
fileTypes = ( 'serpent' );
patterns = (
{ begin = '<\?';
end = '\?>';
patterns = ( { include = 'source.php'; } );

On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 11:04, Allan Odgaard <mailinglist@textmate.org> wrote:
On 4 Jun 2010, at 15:49, nuke wrote:

Could you help me to make a custom language colorization!
[...] What do I need to do?

In addition to creating a new language grammar you also need to select to use it for your file (in your case it should be automatically chosen for files with ‘serpent’ extension). This is done by using the status bar language selector.

Your grammar doesn’t do anything though (other than include PHP), so selecting it wouldn’t be different to selecting PHP directly, except the root scope will be different (which you can check with ⌃⇧P).

Perhaps though your issue is more with embedding of things in HTML. You should probably have a look at this page http://wiki.macromates.com/Troubleshooting/PHPSyntaxHighlight

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