directory, but the behavior has
persisted even after removing the bundle.
Hi Jim,
On 06 Jan 2015, at 20:39 , Starx <> wrote:
It seems I spoke too soon. TeXShop has now started to open again when I type set and view files. I don't know what I could have done to cause this so I'm not sure how to have you recreate this behavior. I have noticed that it is opening the .bib file from my project. I wonder if maybe the bibtex interface also refreshes the viewer somehow?
by bibtex interface, you refer to the command “Create Bibliography”? Normally it should not not refresh the viewer.
I guess we can try to fix this step by step if that is okay with you. Could you please change `refresh_viewer.scpt` by adding a `display alert`:
else if viewer is "TeXShop" then
display alert "Refresh PDF in TeXShop"
tell application "TeXShop"
If the refresh of the viewer is really caused by `texmate` then you should now get an alert dialog every time TeXShop opens after you used “Typeset & View (PDF)” more than once. If that is the case, then maybe the viewer is set incorrectly. Please check the selected PDF viewer by pasting the following command into “Terminal”:
defaults read com.macromates.textmate.preview latexViewer
The command should return the string `Skim`. Is this the case?
Kind regards,
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