Yeah, not sure about Transmit, but with Cyberduck they are not in application support, but some weird temp folder which is why I suggested opening another file to see where it ended up.

On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 4:04 AM, Greg <> wrote:
I looked in TextMate but forgot to look in Transmit folders. Nothing there now (Application Support>Transmit), but maybe next time.


From: George McGinley Smith <>

You might also find that the files are still on disk somewhere (I know
CyberDuck keeps them on disk).

Try opening another file and then the file drawer and you might see it's
still there.

On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 2:22 AM, Allan Odgaard <>

On 31 Oct 2014, at 1:03, Greg wrote:

I?m writing Ruby scripts for a Raspberry Pi (RPi) using TextMate
v2.0-beta.1. The RPi is on my network and I?m accessing the files via
Transmit (OS X FTP GUI program). From Transmit I open, edit and save the
files. However I just opened the created by GitHub, did some
editing, saved and closed. I hadn?t seen that I had received a notice from
Transmit that I didn?t have permissions to modify the file, but the changes
were gone (RPi is slow).

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