Hi again,

Thanks for the tip. I was able to fix the problem and in the process I
ended up deleting php bundle. How do i get it back?

I hope that wasn't part of the tip: how did you delete the PHP bundle?  I can think of two scenarios...

(1) You just unticked it in the "Filter Bundles..." list, in which case you can just re-enable it in the same way (ie click "Filter List..." in the Bundle editor and reselect "PHP" in the resulting dialog.

(2) You selected "PHP" in the left column and clicked the "-" sign (and then ignored the rather stern warning that stated "If you delete the "PHP" bundle you will not be able to get back the items it contains. Do you want to continue?"). If this is the situation then I think the easiest way is to just download TextMate again and install over the top of the existing copy.

Any modifications/additions you've made to bundles will be preserved, and the PHP bundle will be "inside" of the new copy of TextMate (but according to my test it still won't be visible within the Bundle Editor's list of available bundles). To actually have it available for use you can execute the following command in a terminal window.

open /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Bundles

Then simply double click on "PHP.tmbundle" in the resulting listing.

Have fun,