I'm new to TextMate, trying it out as a desktop blogging editor using the blogging bundle. I like its speed, compared to the online editor of my wordpress.com blog. If the trial version works out I'll buy it properly. 

But there's a small problem. I've been trying to upload images, and find that when I drag an image to the editing window, it only gives me a link to the local location of the file and does not upload it automatically. This is a problem I've seen mentioned elsewhere on the Textmate blog but haven't found an answer to. What is happening, though, is that once I post my writing to my blog and then fetch it back for editing, only after doing that is it possible for me to drag-and-upload an image in the way that is indicated by the screencast and help file.

Is this normal behaviour? Should I be able to upload an image straightaway into the post before posting it? If so, how can I fix the problem I'm having? I'm on OS 10.5.8, using version 1.5.9 of Textmate. Thank you for any ideas or suggestions.
