Not sure about no.1
But to bring back tab navigation you can use System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcut to create TM (or all app) key equivalent for Next/Prev Tab. And assign it your key-combo of choice.


-- Alexey

On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 12:21, Michael Lawlor <> wrote:
hi there,

textmate recently asked me to upgrade and i jumped at the chance because i love this editor. however since the upgrade, a few of the features that i rely on are no longer there/working as expected. these are not major things, but not having them has slowed me down and i'm wondering if there's a way to get them back or to revert to a previous version where they were still working.

my two biggest gripes are:

1. In the Ruby On Rails bundle: Migrations > Quick Migration used to generate a new migration file with the timestamp at the start of the filename. Now it seems to have reverted to the old way of doing it with sequential version numbers. I'd really like to get the timestamps back!

eg. "20101110061120_create_a_table.rb" instead of "001_create_a_table.rb"

2. I used to navigate very quickly between open tabs using the key combinations Apple+Option+Left Arrow and Apple+Option+Right Arrow. Now that's been replaced by Apple+Shift+[ and Apple+Shift+].

any help on how i can get these features working as they were before would be appreciated.

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