2012/9/9 Allan Odgaard
On Sep 7, 2012, at 2:55 PM, Yvon Thoraval <
yvon.thoraval@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've installed rmate on a remote server although I'm able to create a new file on this server, when doing some modification on an existing file, they aren't saved after the saving and closing on the TextMate side.
> The server is running Xubuntu 12.04, ruby 1.9.3 has been installed using rvm.
Try use ‘rmate -v’ then it should print potential exceptions to stderr.
Here it is :
yt@D620 /home/yt $ rmate -v bin/menu.zsh
yt@D620 /home/yt $ Connect: ‘220 imyt.local RMATE TextMate (Darwin 11.4.0)’
Saving bin/menu.zsh
Save failed! File exists - (bin/menu.zsh, bin/menu.zsh~)
Closed bin/menu.zsh
yt@D620 /home/yt $
When the file already exists it does:
File.chmod(File.stat(path).mode, temp.path) if File.exist? path
Perhaps that does not work on ruby 1.9.x.
My ruby version :
ruby 1.9.3p194 (2012-04-20 revision 35410) [x86_64-linux]
Also, i should mention i had a file "bin/menu.zsh~" BEFORE using rmate, then, removing it before a second rmate gave :
yt@D620 /home/yt $ cd bin
yt@D620 /home/yt/bin $ rmate -v menu.zsh
Connect: ‘220 imyt.local RMATE TextMate (Darwin 11.4.0)’
yt@D620 /home/yt/bin $ Saving menu.zsh
Closed menu.zsh
yt@D620 /home/yt/bin $ cat menu.zsh
<the script as it was>
# TOTO (the comment added for try-out)
Then, rmate is working except another file with the suffix "~" exists too.