<persquare@mac.com> wrote:
Perhaps not exactly what you are looking for, but there is a bundle (by Hilton Lipschitz) for specifying themes in plain text files as comma separated values (CSV): <https://github.com/hiltmon/textmate-theme-csv
Additional blog writeup here: <http://hiltmon.com/blog/2013/02/22/multiple-themes-in-textmate-2/>

I have a fork of the code with some additional features over at <https://github.com/persquare/textmate-theme-csv>
In particular, you can set the gutter color(s), and it can do rudimentary highlighting of color codes by assigning them a scope with the color code appended at the end. In practice, it is only useful if you, like me, like to work with a limited set of colors since they need to be added to the theme used when editing themes... (makes your head spin, I know ;) Attached screenshot should clarify what it looks like.

While not as easy to use as a GUI, plain text files allows you to easily track (and backtrack) changes to your theme(s).

Thanks, I’ll check it out. :)

"Allan Odgaard" <mailinglist@textmate.org> wrote:
Are you not seeing any styling of Markdown?

Out-of-the-box there should be larger font size for headings, use of 
bold and italic, etc.

Yeah, out of the box Markdown does get highlighting, some themes work better than others. I’m trying to get granular control over the markdown highlighting so I can control all of the Atx-style headings (#, ##, ###, ####, #####, ######), bold, italic, and lists. I’ve been looking online but can’t find much info on how to target these things in a theme, especially the headings. In larger files I’d like to have a theme where I can tab indent headings and the content after them so it’s easier to follow.

The themes I find typically just have this, which controls all headings:

name = 'Heading';
scope = 'markup.heading, punctuation.definition.heading.markdown';