That article doesn't say which fonts have bold and italic variants.  Do any of the free fonts mentioned have bold/italic?  On my system I have 4 mono-spaced fonts;  only Courier and Courier New have bold/italic variants.  Andale Mono and Monoco are without variants.

On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 5:58 PM, Thomas Floeren <> wrote:

On 21.03.2012, at 14:31, Steve King wrote:

> On 2012-03-20 21:49, Allan Odgaard wrote:
>> TM 2.0 uses CoreText which doesn’t synthesize bold and italic when the font has no such variant.
>> So you need to pick a font with a bold and italic variant for the theme styles to work. I have no plans of trying to synthesize these styles myself (not really feasible) and Apple seems content with not having CoreText do it (like the deprecated ATSUI did).
> Can't say I blame you, but... Ick.  Okay, anyone have a version of Andale Mono with bold and italic variants?  Or have a program that will synthesize such for me?

No, no synthesizer, but here is a nice list of monospaced fonts:

OS X (since 10.6 IIRC) comes with Menlo, a very nice Vera clone, with good antialiasing


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