Very nice, thanks!


  1.  Re: highlight (JiHO)
Message: 1
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 19:52:30 -0400
From: JiHO <>
Subject: [TxMt] Re: highlight
To: TextMate users <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

On 2009-May-09  , at 15:35 , baptiste auguie wrote:

> Thanks for the two replies. highlight is a cool program I found here,
> I made an attempt to create a TM command for this, and it seems to 
> work without the need for a temp directory,
> highlight  -H  --syntax R --inline-css  --fragment  --enclose-pre 
> --style print  `$TM_SELECTED_TEXT`  | pbcopy
> It seems to work, albeit with some warning (seems to be attempting 
> at interpreting the code of TM_SELECTED_TEXT) but since I simply 
> discard the output and use the clipboard it's fine for my purpose.
> It's a small world JiHO! --- I'm hoping to use this shortcut to post 
> R code on the new ggplot Wiki (

OK, then I tried to link to some pasties and it does not work on this 

But indeed highlight seems to be nice and is very flexible in its 
input. In particular it accepts input from stdin (where TM pipe your 
text). So I installed it from macports but I don't have all the 
options you have (--inlince-css, --enclose-pre etc.) because the 
version there is too old.

Still a simple, one language (R here) bundle command could be:

    highlight -X -l --include-style --syntax=R --style=print

    input set to selection or document
    output set to new document (or discard and add "| pbcopy" at the end 
of the command).

This feeds the curent selection or document to highlight directly, not 
need for the $TM_SELECTED_TEXT (and this solves your problems caused 
by shell expansion I guess).

But creating a temporary file might still be desirable: if you create 
it with the same extension as the current file, highlight will be able 
to recognize the language and your bundle command will work for any 

Attached is my bundle item (currently set to display the HTML, pipe to 
pbcopy if you want to copy). Here is the code:

# Extract file extension
extension=$(echo "$TM_FILEPATH" | awk -F "." {'print $NF'})

# Create a unique temporary file
tmpname=$(mktemp /tmp/TMtemp.XXXX)

# Capture TM selection/Document
cat > $tmpfile

# Feed that to highlight
highlight --input="$tmpfile" -X -l --include-style --doc-title=$
(basename "$TM_FILEPATH") --style="vim-dark"

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I hope that helps.
