
I'm very happy with the new possibilities of TM2. It's a pleasure to work with the project folder, the favorites etc.

With TM1 I used a folder tm_proj. Inside this folder, I placed all the files like tkz-euclide.proj, tkz-tab.proj etc.
Then I used a soft You Control  to add a folder in the menu bar with all xxx.proj files. I can with this process
 access directly the projects without open TM1

I tried to use the same process with TM2. I found only the new way :

I created a script

 mate /Users/matt/works/tkz-euclide   

tkz-euclide is a folder with all the files of my project.

I saved these lines in a file euclide.sh and then I created a little application tkz-euclide.proj with the help of 
a little soft Platypus (http://sveinbjorn.org/platypus) . A click on tkz-euclide.proj open the folder tkz-euclide in TM2.

Finally I can make this for all my projects and I can access them directly from the menu bar.

I would like to know if there is a better and simpler way to get the same result ?

Best regards

Alain Matthes