
thanks for the tip!

Command + [1-9] does the job, I wonder if that could be done programmatically though.

I'm building a bundle to interact with Extempore, an environment used (among other things) for audiovisual livecoding. More info here: http://benswift.me/2012/09/26/interacting-with-the-extempore-compiler/

Essentially, the bundle [1] reads a scheme expression then sends its to the Extempore server via TCP. The server returns some results which get printed out to the HTML window (with some bells and whistles - that's why I'm not using a simple tooltip). 

The links you've suggested look very interesting but maybe a bit too complex for my usecase? Livereload does not seem to be free though. I should look more into Browsersync..



Michele Pasin

On 4 February 2016 at 00:50, Graham Heath <heathg@google.com> wrote:
You could use Command + [1-9] to reselect a tab.

I don’t know what you’re building, but if you wanted to, you could add LiveReload or BrowserSync, this would take care of auto refresh for you. This way you would only open the HTML output once, and refreshes would be triggered automatically on save.
Graham Heath

On February 3, 2016 at 3:42:44 PM, michele.pasin@gmail.com (michele.pasin@gmail.com) wrote:

Ps: apologies for the email subject - sent too soon!


> On 3 Feb 2016, at 18:23, Michele Pasin <michele.pasin@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have a bundle command that generates some text and sends it to the 'HTML output' panel.
> That works wonderfully, however each time I do that the focus (cursor) switches to the 'HTML output' panel too.
> So I was wondering if there's a way to keep the focus on the main editor window (so to use the panel just as a nice 'feedback' window) and keep coding without interruptions.
> Any ideas?
> cheers
> Michele
> <Screen Shot 2016-02-03 at 18.11.39.png>

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