On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 12:31 AM, Josh Cheek <josh.cheek@gmail.com> wrote:
Hmm, it seems that if I run TextMate from the command line, then it finds the correct version, but if I run it from Applications folder, Spotlight, or Quicksilver, then it always pulls up the the system version (1.8.6)

Is there an easy way to remedy this? If not, I can just always run it from the command line.

Tested with the code

RUBY_VERSION # => 1.8.6

And running the file with control+command+shift+e to get the tag to update.

You need to recheck your configuration and make sure that the RVM configuration lines are at the bottom of your shell 
initialization file (i.e. .profile, .bashrc, or other).

Good luck,


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