I'm trying to make some changes to the Language without losing the ability to get updates (to the language).  I just want to add in a couple extra things.  I want to have my documentation a different color from the commented out code.  Also, i want to have a (space)* inserted at the beginning of newlines when I'm using the docblock format.

Here's what I've come up with:

I created a new Language under JavaScript with this:
{    scopeName = 'source.js.dave';
    fileTypes = ( 'js' );
    foldingStartMarker = '^.*\bfunction\s*(\w+\s*)?\([^\)]*\)(\s*\{[^\}]*)?\s*$';
    foldingStopMarker = '^\s*\}';
    patterns = (
        {    name = 'comment.documentation.docblock.js';
            begin = '/\*\*';
            end = '\*/';
            captures = { 0 = { name = 'punctuation.definition.comment.js '; }; };
        {    name = 'comment.documentation.line.triple-slash.js';
            match = '(///).*$\n?';
            captures = { 1 = { name = 'punctuation.definition.comment.js'; }; };
        {    include = 'source.js'; },

Is there a better way to do this?


On 10/26/06, Allan Odgaard < throw-away-1@macromates.com> wrote:
On 27. Oct 2006, at 03:44, Dave Grijalva wrote:

> Is it true that if I make changes to any of my bundles, they will
> no longer
> be updated by TextMate updates?


> Is it possible to make a separate bundle that just encompases my
> changes and have them apply to another bundle?

Depends on what exactly you wish to change.

> If I've missed this in the manual, can you point me at where I can
> find it?


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