Quote https://github.com/bomberstudios/Save-On-Focus-Lost.tmbundle: 

"You can now set saveOnBlur in .tm_properties to make TextMate save files when focus is lost. Previously the recommended way was to create a command set to “Save Modified Files” with a semantic class of callback.application.did-deactivate, though incase of a save error, such command would bring up UI where saveOnBlur will ignore errors. Using.tm_properties also allows to easily target specific file types, for example one could use:

 [ ui/**.php ]
  saveOnBlur = true
This would then only have .php files in the ui folder auto-save when focus is lost."

Graham P Heath

On October 23, 2015 at 5:12:03 AM, Patrick Mast (patrick.mast@winfakt.com) wrote:


How can I set up “Save files when focus is lost” in Textmate2?



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