
After the initial clone the behavior stopped, but because it started back up again last time I decided to wait a day before saying it worked and unfortunately this morning TeXShop has started opening again.

I do not know the difference between a compiled applescript and an uncompiled applescript.  There is still just a file, refresh_viewer.scpt, no application or anything like that in the bin directory.  Could my textmate have updated itself back to the uncompiled version?  How do I check if this script is compiled or not?


On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 2:50 AM, René Schwaiger <> wrote:
Hi Angelo,

> On 08 Jan 2015, at 11:25 , Angelo Varlotta <> wrote:
> Hi René,
> I followed your suggestion and cloned the new LaTeX bundle. Now TeXShop doesn't open anymore after the second (and successive) LaTeX compiles.

yay. Thanks for the quick reply. The LaTeX bundle (inside TextMate) should be automatically updated sometimes in the next days, when Allan (Odgaard) or Michael (Sheets) have time to push the changes.

> Cheers,
> Angelo

Kind regards,

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