Don’t copy that line. Just its results.

Graham P Heath

On February 20, 2015 at 1:16:44 PM, jgalt ( wrote:

Thanks Graham, that worked great but I am having one problem.  The first line of your formula gets placed into my first placeholder.

Example: <PortalObj portalFlags="16" numOfRows="1" initialRow=$ seq 16 32>

On 2/20/15 9:41 AM, "Graham P Heath" <> wrote:

You can combine Multiple Carets and Copy + Paste to achieve this easily.

Find a list of the numbers you want to use, I assume you’re capable of generating the list in some way, but I like using the `seq` command in the terminal such as:

$ seq 16 32

Note: It is important that they be separated by new line characters.

Copy this list.

Select your first placeholder: “##"

 <PortalOBj portalFlags="16" numbOfRows="1" initialRow=“##”>

Press Control + W, this selects the next placeholder. Repeat until your selection contains all of your placeholders.


Graham P Heath


On February 20, 2015 at 8:29:30 AM, René Schwaiger ( wrote:
Hi jgaltUSA,

> On 20 Feb 2015, at 9:50 , jgaltUSA <> wrote:
> I am a newbie to textmate and I am trying to perform a find and replace. I want to replace the matched text with a sequential number.  
> Here is my current replacement string: $1##$2  
> How can I replace the ## with a sequential number?  

I do not think that what you want is possible using only regular expressions and “Find & Replace”. It is possible and not to complex using a programming language. The following code does what you want:

    #!/usr/bin/env python

    from re import compile
    from sys import stdin, stdout

    regex = compile(
        """(<PortalOBj portalFlags="16" numbOfRows="1" initialRow=")\d+(">)""")
    index = 16

    def create_subtitute_function():
        def substitute(match):
            global index
            replacement = "{}{}{}".format(, index,
            index += 1
            return replacement

        return substitute

    text = regex.sub(create_subtitute_function(),

I attached a bundle which contains a command that uses the above code. To install the bundle just double click it. You can apply the substitution on some text by pressing the key combination “^⌥⌘R”. Since the above is my code I would be careful when you use the command though :).

> For example, I want the first sequential number to be 16.  
> Here is a screen capture:   
> Thanks!

Kind regards,

P.S.: You can create a screenshot of a single window by using the key combination “⇧⌘4”. After that just hit “Space” and a click on the window you would like to make a screenshot of. This way you do not need to crop the picture.

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