Nope, I only have: 


On Feb 6, 2010, at 6:37 AM, Snyder, David F wrote:

On the command line, 'which git' returns '/usr/local/git/bin/git'
So I put that in the TM_GIT Shell Variables list. But now when I try to use the bundle it keeps giving me this error:
sh: line 3: /usr/local/git/bin/git : No such file or directory

Do you have PATH set in TextMate preferences? That could throw it off the scent.

Best wishes

David F. Snyder,
Department of Mathematics
Texas State University
601 University Drive
San Marcos, TX 78666

“It will be well for us not to assume an attitude of condescension
towards the crowd. Because in the matter of looking without seeing we
are all about equal. We all go to and fro in a state of the observing
faculties which somewhat resembles coma. We are all content to look and
not see.” -- Arnold Bennett in “The Author’s Craft” (1914)

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