On 20 Sep 2016, at 21:04, Erik Neumann wrote:

Why does double-click on search results inside the Find window cause the
Find window to close without even doing anything?

I see that the code I was using to suppress double notifications got fooled by a double-click in an inactive window.

I have fixed this and also introduced a keepSearchResultsOnDoubleClick defaults key that you can use if you want to disable the close behavior.

This will be available in next build (2.0-beta.12.15).

Only do the "close Find window on double-click" shortcut if the Find window was active on the first click.

For someone using double-click to “select and dismiss list” this would probably feel inconsistent, but I think it would be appropriate to support click-through for the results list, that is, the first click in an inactive window will be handled by the results list (to select the clicked item) rather than just activate the window.

It requires subclassing to enable this, so I haven’t done it yet, but it sounds like this would be the ideal behavior for you and it should not affect the workflow of other users.