On Apr 13, 2007, at 10:10 AM, Gerd Knops wrote:
OK, so we know there are plenty of people here that would like to be able to do everything with the keyboard so they have to reach over to the mouse as little as possible.
Me, I confess I use the mouse ALL the time:
- Moving more than 2 lines? Use the mouse...
- Making ANY kind of selection? Use the mouse...
- Browse through code? Use the mouse...
I never could get the hang of using a gazillion shortcuts to make the cursor fly, and I have been programming professionally (well, at least making a living of it) for 25 years.
So am I really alone, or are there others out there like me? If yes, please speak up! I think we need to join and speak up, so that Alan knows we exist and stops catering exclusively to the "keyboard only" users!
My name is Gerd, and I like to use the mouse!
I keep a trackball in my left hand and a 13 button mouse in my right.
Almost all of my navigation and selections are made with the mouse.
I have bound balance jr and select current scope to 3 of the buttons on my mouse.
It used to REALLY annoy me that I couldn't just double click to select things properly,
but I have mostly gotten around that with Balance Jr.
Thanks for opening that wound :'(
I really want to have more mouse related stuff.
Better mouse & keyboard selections and navigating non-word characters.
Custom toolbars and button bars.
Be able to add stuff to the right click menu.
I used to use the trackpad in my PowerBook a lot too. Mostly for scrolling.
So, yes.
My mouse and trackball are extremely important to me.
thomas Aylott — subtleGradient — CrazyEgg — sixteenColors