This isn't a problem with the most recent build - it has been like this for a while - at least since the last month when I posted on the mailing list about it.!searchin/textmate/FInd$20all$20in$20selection/textmate/yao1aMUdw9k/hBRtN4gbsIcJ

I briefly spoke to Allan about it on iRC, and he said that he was aware of the situation, and that "Find All" only works on entire documents or folders: Allan - maybe make the "Find All" button grey out if "In selection" option is selected?

To get around it, I click on the sigma symbol (which counts the number of occurrences) and obeys the "In Selection" option, and then click on the replace all button.


On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 9:24 AM, John Yeates <> wrote:
Since updating to r9064, if I make a selection, hit Cmd-F and hit Find All, I am shown matches for the whole project rather than just matches in the selection (despite the dropdown being set to Selection).

Pretty sure this was working in the previous release :)

John Yeates

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