As Apple product users, we all love and pay for two things. High quality and shiny new beautiful products. Our choice in hardware shows we all appreciate quality and beauty and are willing to pay for it. We all love TM because it's so fun to use and the reason we want a new, slightly different and better version is the same reason we all can't wait to buy Lion. We all want TM2 and that's fine. I imagine all the hardcore, 'use TM1 till the bitter end' types are old school UNIX hackers that could still break out vim or emacs and knock off a script if they had too, and that's just fine too (pretty cool actually).
Another point worth making is, this situation is really strange. This can't be normal. But it is entertaining, so who cares right?
There is an army of loyal TM users just waiting to shell out cash. So we must ask, why would there be such a delay and no response, with so many loyal customer? Companies and products and software disappear and stops being developed when customers stop supporting and that is the only reason. That is the only logical reason. Why doesn't the creator sell or license it somehow? There are so many ways to make money with a good idea or product and the kinds of people who invest in these things would be all over a product with this much support. So who knows whats happening.
But after this long, who cares? I went back to bbedit, for most uses and still use TM sometimes. Theme junkies can get their fix with this tool. It's great. and also, try 'bbedit --maketags' from the command line for extremely cool built in ctags support.
Keep using TM or don't.
Peace to all