it sounds like you are leaving the semicolon off the end of the line that begins the HERE doc.

while both of these will work (as far as perl is concerned):

  my $text = <<EOT
  blah blah blah


  my $text = <<EOT;
  blah blah blah

the second is preferred, and also parses and highlights correctly by TM.

On Sep 14, 2006, at 1:00 PM, Bob Sidebotham wrote:

Oops--Just stumbled on the reason for this behavior. The file in question is a perl file, and there is a "here is" string defined. The here is string is being hi-lighted in a light-blue, but the perl parser evidently doesn't recognize the end of the string, so the remainder of the file is highlighted. When I was searching, I was being transported into the middle of the blue area, and made the mistaken assumption that the blue was somehow associated with the find operation. After all, the screen turned blue when I did the find, right?

Silly me. Still, there is a bug in the perl parser, or whatever it's called in Textmate (which is not all that surprising)...


On 9/14/06, Bob Sidebotham <> wrote:
When doing multiple finds, the textmate window goes a light shade of blue, and then stays that way unless I search backwards. How do I turn this off, and what is it supposed to mean? I've looked in the manual, and don't see anything about this (not under Find).

Bob Sidebotham

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