On Jul 20, 2006, at 1:33 AM, Andreas Wahlin wrote:
Jumps up and down and can't get wait to get to work to try it out
(ok, not really, but still)
btw, what sort of thing was moved into the javascript bundle, was it only language defititions?
And a few snippets.
The for snippet is handy if you do a lot of js loops.
The settimeout (or whatever) one is extremely handy. Most of the time people tell you to use a string inside of settimeoue, but if you use the syntax in that snippet you can use regular old javascript like normal, just put it inside of the function and it'll get called.
I based it off of what i saw used in the prototype library.
If you use prototype, there's a modified version in there that adds .bind(this)
thomas Aylott—subtleGradient