On 11 Aug 2016, at 12:15, Koen Punt wrote:

When I do a "Find in Project" and click "Replace All", the dialog states "2
replacements made across 1 file(s)".
But when I run the search again, I get the same results. When I open the
concerning file, and click "Replace All", the replace goes just fine.

I am unable to reproduce this. Can you provide exact steps to reproduce? Would be best to start with an entirely new project and mention every step, e.g. I did the following myself to test your report:

mkdir /tmp/project && echo foo > /tmp/project/foo.txt && mate /tmp/project

Then ⇧⌘F + enter foo + press return (one match found), enter bar as replacement and click Replace All.

For me this does the replacement and running the search again does not find foo.

Also, turns out it's possible to click on "n replacements made ...", which
makes it blue. Does this serve a purpose?

When you do a Find All you can click the status text to see how many bytes were searched (instead of files). This is done with a “toggle button”, it did not originally change color, but some OS upgrade introduced this, and I have not bothered with trying to address it.

Since the “n replacements made…” is the same label text view, it has the same behavior.