Install TextMate bundles from GitHub is like this:
Hi all,
I'm a graduate student struggling up the learning curve with LaTeX and R, and I'm having trouble getting the Sweave bundle for TextMate to work correctly. Here's what happens with the various bundle commands:
If I choose Sweave, Typeset, & View, then foo.rnw file gets typeset and viewed as a pdf, but it doesn't display the R stuff correctly. No .tex file is created.
If I choose Sweave in R, then a .tex file is written if and only if one doesn't already exist. I can then compile the .tex file, which will display the R stuff correctly.
If I then want to edit the document, I have to delete the .tex file and repeat the above steps.
Can anyone suggest how to get Sweave, Typeset, & View to work correctly? Also, I understand that the Sweave bundle at Github is more up-to-date, but I can't figure out how to install it.
Thanks in advance,
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