Thanks,  That makes perfect sense now.  I was only thinking of scope for the purpose of syntax coloring, but I can see how this would work better for you.


Brad Miller
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Luther College

On 8/14/07, Piero D'Ancona <> wrote:
Brad Miller <bmiller@...> writes:

> Piero,Can you give an example of when/why
this is important? Its a reasonable request, I just don't
understand it.Thanks,Brad--
Brad MillerAssistant Professor, Computer Science
> Luther College

Ok, here is my answer: when I type \` or
\"  (accents in tex) TextMate always inserts
double accents, or worse, which I have to
manually delete. This is a RPITA, which
can be fully appreciated only when typing
in Italian or French with a lot of accents.
And this is not very elegant either.

Solution 1 (Allan's favorite): use UTF-8
and accented characters. Nice until
you exchange your files with someone
using windows or older systems or
a system in a different language etc etc.
When I send by e-mail a file to myself
sometimes it's garbled... I do not like
this and I would really prefer to use \', \" etc
if possible

Solution 2: define a snippet trggered by
` (backtick), which inserts a ` (sure, a
backtick) and is tied to the scope
The same for " (double quotes).

So you see this is a nice application of
the scope "caret after a backslash",
I do not know if there are others, but this
one is certainly useful for me.
I hope this makes my request more clear.


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