
I just moved from a powerbook to a macbook (running OSX 1.4.6)  & I now cannot get Texniscope to auto open the file produced by a latex compilation.  (this was working with the powerbook).

I have the enviremental variables pointing to Texniscope as before. 

My latex compilation log shows the messages below:

Output written on ethics_new.pdf (11 pages, 150192 bytes).


Found 0 errors, and 16 warnings in 0 runs
2006-06-16 04:26:54.611 open[4049] Couldn't open file: /Users/Xolani/Documents/ethics_new.pdf  "

running textmate with the defailt viewer works fine.

Just to see if that was the problem, I changed the settings in the Texniscope preferences to point to  

rather the the "powerpc" reference in the default setup to see of this would help but to no avail. (my tetex is bin is i386)..

Also I should note that typing

 open -a TeXniscope ethics_new.pdf 

at the terminal opens the pdf file.

Any assistance would be appreciated.
