I'm working on an action to allow me to quickly open a url in textmate:
res=$(CocoaDialog inputbox --title "Open URL" \
--informative-text "URL:" \
--button1 "Okay" --button2 "Cancel")
[[ $(head -n1 <<<"$res") == "2" ]] && exit_discard
res=$(tail -n1 <<<"$res")
/usr/bin/env ruby -e "require 'net/http';require 'uri';Net::
HTTP.get_print URI.parse('$res')" | mate
Basically, I'm using ruby to grab the page and output the content to stdout, then piping that to TextMate. If i call this from the command line, it works perfectly. problem is, if i call this as an command from within textmate, it completely freezed the app. The page does open, but tm becomes completely unresponsive and I have to quit and restart. any ideas what I'm doing wrong?