$ /usr/bin/mate
-bash: /usr/bin/mate: No such file or directory

I didnt specify a different location to install textmate and its utilities. I just dragged it to Applications.

Thanks & Regards
Anjanesh Lekshminarayanan

On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 9:03 PM, Phil Dobbin <phildobbin@gmail.com> wrote:
On 27/11/11 11:01, "Anjanesh Lekshminarayanan" <anjanesh@gmail.com> wrote:

> mate in command line doesn't fire up TextMate editor.
> I added export PATH=/Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/Resources/mate:$PATH
> to my .profile file, and restarted terminal but it still doesn't load.
> Is there another way ?

Try: `/usr/bin/mate`

that's where the CLI tool is unless you specified elsewhere when you
installed the TxMt Command Line Tools.



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