This isn't relevant to the original question

But if you have a bundle which outputs to TextMates "HTML window", you can also embed txmt://open/?url=file://[YOUR  PATH HERE]&line=0 style links which can then act as document bookmarks

This is a really useful feature :-)

On 10 February 2016 at 22:56, Koen Punt <> wrote:
In the "Bundle Support" bundle in Support/shared/lib/textmate.rb there's a go_to function, which uses the txmt:// protocol for the current file, or when a path is supplied it uses the mate cli.

This might get you somewhere :)

On Feb 10 2016, at 5:59 pm, Gary Ash <> wrote:

I’m working on textmate 2 command that will process data from a file and insert some some information into the activate textmate document
I’ve got the bulk of the job working pretty well except I’d like to ensure the data is allows added to the top of the file. Can anyone tell me how to ensure the cursor is at the top of the document before I insert my data?

Thanks for any help

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