On January 17, 2017 at 10:57:03 AM, Jacob Carlborg (doob@me.com) wrote:
Yeah, why not. Or in the manual [1], perhaps under References. [1] http://manual.textmate.org/
/Jacob Carlborg
On 17 jan 2017, at 18:58, Attila Györffy <attila.gyorffy@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey Jacob,Thanks for collecting these. What does the community think, should these be placed on the github wiki on a page so that it’s searchable and easier to discover?What do you think?— Attila
ATTILA GYÖRFFYI develop software.Every time you print an email, a tree is marked for death.Trees provide O2. You need that to breathe, remember? 🌳
On 17 Jan 2017, at 18:46, Jacob Carlborg <doob@me.com> wrote:
On 17 jan 2017, at 05:33, じょいすじょん <dangerwillrobinsondanger@gmail.com> wrote:
I have found that I had to finally learn to create Commands in a TM Bundle to move beyond what snippets alone can do (even though they have such a brilliantly simple syntax...)
Is there any canonical listing of values to use Semantic Class hooks?
This is a list of semantic class callbacks that I’ve managed to collect from different places:
* callback.application.did-activate
* callback.application.did-deactivate
* callback.document.binary-export
* callback.document.binary-import
* callback.document.did-reload
* callback.document.did-save
* callback.document.export
* callback.document.import
* callback.document.will-reload
* callback.document.will-save
* callback.double-click
* callback.file-browser.action-menu
* callback.mouse-click (old)
* callback.single-click
* callback.triple-click
For mouse click callbacks, the following modifiers can be used:
* dyn.modifier.shift
* dyn.modifier.control
* dyn.modifier.option
* dyn.modifier.command
The modifiers are set in “Scope Selector”.
/Jacob Carlborg
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