On 22 Mar 2006, at 15:04, Colin D. Devroe wrote:

They call them split view, and there have been plenty of mention :)

Is there any plan to implement this feature?

Giulio Cesare Solaroli

Giulio:  Thanks for asking this, because obviously that wasn't what I had asked. ;)  Allan and his side-stepping!

Colin D. Devroe

I think what Allan meant by "plenty of mention" is: Use google.[1] ;)

You'll find this:

> Searching through the archives of this list, and other
> TextMate-related materials, I've seen that this has come up a handful
> of times, but not in a while, and rarely with much of any response

Unless you want an ETA (which I'm not too keen on providing) then the 
fact that I've added the feature request to my to-do is really all the 
response you need.


> Is there any intention of adding such functionality (in the near 
> future)?

Yes. I need to get the new syntax system completed, I hope beta 6 will 
be out this week, then a few betas will follow where the main thing is 
still syntax/scope/style sheet/selector/behavior related, and after 
that I intend to redo the project window/drawer, where split views is 
likely to be one of the enhancements.
