Perhaps my frustrations comes from the fact that there's not a simple menu item for it. There should be a soft-wrap sub-menu or something with the option to enable indented soft-wrapping. Enabling this global setting (which it should be by default) would apply the common "same indent level + 1" to all bundles. Bundles could then override this with grammar specific soft-wrapping where applicable. I shouldn't have to, with much frustration, Google for an example of soft-wrapping, and then be required to work out how it all works.
This is a matter of usability more than capability. I want to develop for my application, not for my text editor if I can at all avoid it. It's about having smart defaults (who doesn't prefer indented soft-wrap over ordinary soft-wrapping?) and easily accessible options for the most common toggles. Everything else can be done in the bundle editor.
Is that unreasonable?