To reply to the original question ...

This is VERY MUCH the same situation I'm in and matches my feelings on the matter.

I work as a "team" of one, so any rearrangements I make in my svn repository aren't going to disrupt anyone else's work.  It might well be that I should have a better idea of where I'm going (or where IT'S going) when I start a project, but that often isn't the case.  

I'm not afraid of the command line, but I rarely do much work there and don't come from a CLI background (unless you include my CP/M use of about 20 years ago!!).  So the comment "when you need to move or rename, doing so in Subversion isn't any more difficult than the Unix mv command" [Trevor Harmon, Feb 25, 2006] doesn't help me much.  I don't routinely work at the command line, so I don't feel very comfortable with mv and the like.  I'm OK with doing "svn update" or "svn commit," (of course I can do those from within TextMate!).  But for moving and renaming files I'd prefer to be able to use those yummy GUI things "click and type" and "drag it where I want it."  :)

Also, when I do this type of "clean up" it isn't as simple as renaming or moving just a single file or folder.  Instead, it's usually a rather significant bit of reorganizing.  I find it far easier to do this if I can refer to a visual representation of what I'm doing.  What I'd *like* to be able to to do is reorganize my subversion working copy visually and have the appropriate svn commands executed automatically in the background, or in a "batch," after I was satisfied with what I'd done.  

As an aside:  in a team environment it might be rather disruptive (!) to have this sort of reorganization of the repository happen simply because I changed things in my TextMate project drawer.

As I don't feel the need to rename and move files very often, I'd be satisfied with using a separate (visual) svn client.  There are a few, most of which are BADLY undercooked... most went right into the trash after a 2 minute trial.  I don't have an opinion on this one yet:  

SmartSVN [1].  (The "Professional" version only) appears to claim to be able to let you move things visually and then it will do the required svn work. "Smart Move (automatic detection of possibly moved or renamed files)."  I can't test this at the moment because I have my subversion repository on my local hard drive (I'm not using a server), and SmartSVN doesn't support the file:// protocol (ya... how "smart" is that?).  A price of 49 USD / 41 EUR seems a bit steep simply to gain this convenience.  

Then there is "scplugin"  that supposedly integrates SVN activity into the Mac OS X Finder [2] but work on this appears to have been abandon in December 2004 (yes, that's a 14 months ago).  For that matter, the book [3] doesn't appear to be in active development either.  The site offers "1.1 final" and "1.2, nightly build" but the current version of subversion is 1.3 (released in January 2006).  I don't know how much has changed, but the book looks to be, technically, two versions out of date.  :(

Back to the main point... does anyone have a visual ("GUI") solution to this challenge?

[1] <>
[2] <>
[3] <>


On Feb 24, 2006, at 6:20 PM, Sean Schertell wrote:

This might be a dumb question, but is there ANY elegant solution for keeping my Subversion repository in sync with my local files *including* adding files, deleting files, renaming files?  I'm really trying to get religious about keeping all my projects under version control, but I find it such a pain in the arse to have to remember to do svn add, svn delete, svn rename whenever I decide to reorganize my project files.  In every project I do, I always get to a point about halfway in where I say -- okay, this is messy -- let's combine these files, delete this one, and rename these more descriptively.  Then my SVN repository gets all out of whack and refuses to let me make anymore commits, and that's the end of version control for that project.  Happens every time.

It would be so nice if I could sync my TM project to my SVN repository directly.  If I rename something in the drawer, it gets renamed in the repository too.  Delete files?  Add files?  Same thing.  Is there some way to do this already?  If not, how do you guys handle this issue?  And if not, any chance of adding this functionality in a future release?  Could a bundle be created to do this?
