Did that happen to anyone before?
When I switch from HTML to PHP files, TM doesn't switch the syntax highlighting automatically anymore... If I select it from the language menu I get my syntax coloring, but then switching back to HTML, it doesn't revert back to HTML highlighting... I constantly have to manually switch the language from PHP to HTML...
I tried to look into the bundle and PHP doesn't have a "filetypes" but I don't think it's supposed to anyway right?
Plus I thought the HTML bundle included the PHP one no? Or did that revert back to separate languages in the bundle editor?
Thanks for any suggestion
- Yann
Yann Bettremieux
Multimedia Producer
m i n i m a l d e s i g n
244 Fifth Avenue
Suite P233
New York, NY 10001-7604
tel / fax: 212.931.8525
email: yann@minimaldesign.net
site: http://minimaldesign.net/