I think another way of looking at this (correct me if I’m wrong) is that the internal 1.8.7 is used only for internal scripts, so it makes no difference to you, the end user; it is, as it were, just a part of TextMate’s internal functionality. 


On Jul 6, 2018, at 5:06 PM, Michael Sheets <mummer@whitefalls.org> wrote:

On Jul 5, 2018, at 7:52 PM, Shane Becker <veganstraightedge@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi y’all.

Are there any plans to bundle a more recent Ruby version in the app?

Ruby 2.5.1 is the latest.
Ruby 1.8.7 ships with the app.

The Ruby Core team has long ago stopped supporting 1.8.x.
They currently only support (security fixes, etc) Ruby 2.3 - 2.5 (and 2.6 preview).

We include 1.8.7 only due to the fact that many bundle commands and libraries that are still in active use were written with and aren’t compatible with 2.x. For newer bundle items and as we update older ones we are converting to using 2.x. For these cases we use the version supplied with the OS (currently 2.3.3). None of this is really meant for ruby development, for that case you can set the TM_RUBY variable to whatever version you want to use and it will be used for running your own scripts, etc. (And for simple cases it will be default use the OS supplied version if TM_RUBY is not set.)

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