- I regularly get briefly confused when the file selected in the file
browser isn't the file I am looking at
- I prefer the root in the file browser to remain stationary, so I
would much prefer if ctrl-cmd-R (Current Document) would scroll/unfold
as needed in the current browser



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On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Alex Sullivan <alex@zero-design.info> wrote:

On 26.09.2012 17:07, Gerd Knops wrote:
- I still have to remind myself every time to click the icon to open the file
- I regularly get briefly confused when the file selected in the file
browser isn't the file I am looking at
- I prefer the root in the file browser to remain stationary, so I
would much prefer if ctrl-cmd-R (Current Document) would scroll/unfold
as needed in the current browser

Ditto.  I'm used to it but the paradigm still hasn't made sense for me, I guess as I'm constantly flitting between the command line, TM2 & whatever 5 other apps I'm using the finder is still a big part of my day to day.  Perhaps if all I was doing was flipping between TM & iTerm it would make more sense but I'm not.

That said, I don't think I could go back to 1.5 - love all the other good stuff too much, especially the way the SCM works.



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