On Dec 4, 2005, at 1:18 AM, Allan Odgaard wrote:

On 3/12/2005, at 15:11, Charilaos Skiadas wrote:

There was one in the past, and I do miss it myself. It's a pain for me to do shortcuts “correctly” when there's no menu item for the action. I'll likely put back the status bar stuff in the menus (so they're both places) to get the key.

My suggestion would be to have a submenu of the automation menu, called "Edit..." or something, whose subitems would be the various "Edit Commands..." etc, so here you could include Preferences, Templates, the lot.
Though ctrl-opt-cmd B will re-open the bundle editor where you last where (it'll switch the filtering, but that shouldn't matter).

Alas, it will shift the focus. They way I work with the bundle editor is, I select the body of the command, copy and paste it onto an untitled window, work with it, then select the whole thing and paste it back. So with commands, just going back to the window through cmd-` and pressing Cmd-v does the trick, no need for a mouse click, because the whole text is still selected there. with the ctrl-opt-cmd-B combo, the text is deselected, and the focus is on the bundle list, IIRC.

But really, why doesn't plain old space work, both here and in ctags? It seems to be completely ignored if it's at the beginning.

At least for TextMate, it just never sees these because the scope selector does not include them. The Python grammar was specifically modified to also make the declaration.function.* pick up leading spaces (for use in the list).

I meant the space in the substitution part of the regexp. Why doesn't something like: 
s/^\\section\{(.+)\}/     $1/;
produce those spaces between / and $1? Isn't this a standard sed pattern? We are telling it to look for \\section\{ then something then \} , and to replace that by a couple of spaces followed by the something. Why the need for a special kind of space character like em-space there?
In general, what kinds of things are allowed at this part? I tried to do variable substitution to turn $1 into a series of dashes with the same length, but it wouldn't do it.
