b8 is the first version I've actually used. I guess I'll either go back one-by-one, or wait for it to be fixed.


On May 13, 2005, at 5:16 PM, Robert Deaton wrote:

Why expirement with editors instead of rolling back to the latest stable in which this isn't an issue? b8 is working fine for me in Tiger btw, on the low end mac mini with a RAM upgrade.

On 5/13/05, Justin Mitchell <justinhomi@gmail.com> wrote:
I tried changing the Theme to the dark one, and I don't think it has
the different background color around PHP code. It was still slow.

Sadly, I'm having to experiment with other editors now, too... :[


On May 13, 2005, at 4:03 PM, Steve Lianoglou wrote:

> I've noticed this also ... I think there was a recent thread on it
> in this mailing list about this, but it could have been about
> something else since I wasn't following it very closely.
> I'll add some more here, tho since it does make TextMate difficult
> to use at the moment ...
> Specifically I notice then when the syntax highlight needs to:
> * Change the background color of a block of text.
> For instance, the new PHPBundle seems to change the bground of the
> phpblocks into a slightly off color than the rest of the (possibly
> html) page .. I'll see the background slowly change color as TM
> makes it's way down the length of the window processing/parsing the
> text to syntax-color it from top to bottom
> * Also when text is set to be italic for some reason or the other
> (again , the php bundle, I think it does that for comments ...) ..
> rendering/typing is noticably slow.
> I'm also primarily on an 867 G4, 1gig of ram, Panther.9 ...
> I've switched over to jEdit for the meantime and kept quite since I
> was hoping/thinking it might just be an issue w/ the recent beta
> releases being 'unofficial' of sorts.
> I reckon I could alleviate this by changing the syntax hilite to
> NOT do those things which I think makes it slow down, but I figured
> it's worth mentioning anyway.
> regards,
> -steve
> Justin Mitchell wrote:
>> Hey,
>> I'm running TM 1.1b8 on a 400Mhz iMac DV/SE with 512MB of ram
>> (running Tiger). Text rendering seems to be very slow... to the
>> point  where it really isn't usable. It's most noticeable when
>> you're  scrolling, or when you first open a document. It's slowest
>> when  syntax highlighting is on... otherwise it's not so bad.
>> The iMac does perfectly fine in other text editors, web browsers,
>> and  such.
>> Anyways, I just figured I'd get the word out, just in case
>> nobody's  noticed :)
>> Justin
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