Chris I believe this is the fault of the Mac OS.  For historical reasons I think the operating system will by default treat files that differ only in case as the same.

Here is a simple test....  

Open the Terminal.

Create a file called "junk" with the touch command:

$ touch junk

Now create a file called "Junk" with the touch command:

$ touch Junk

Now check your results:

$ ls -l

On my mac I just did this and the ls command revealed just the original (all lower case) file name..


On Aug 16, 2007, at 13:28, Chris Fonnesbeck wrote:

Why on earth did creating a *new* file in a project apparently just 

create some sort of symbolic link to an existing file?? 2 different files 

"" and "" both appeared in the project list, 

and both had their own tabs. Does this have something to do with having 

files that differ only in case? Very frustrating.