Ah, that totally fixed it. Thanks a lot! :)

On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 7:50 PM, Dru Kepple <dru@summitprojects.com> wrote:
> From: Enrique Ramírez [me@enrique-ramirez.com]
> A while ago, while on project view, I dragged a .gif file from the project
> drawer to the main textmate window, which opened the file in the text
> editor. I simply closed it and move on.

Sounds like you should tell TextMate to treat GIF files as binary.

Right-click on a GIF file in your project drawer, and choose "Treat Files with ".gif" Extension as Binary."  Probably just got changed somewhere along the way; by default it should be treated as Binary.  To my knowledge, dragging a binary file into the text editor shouldn't change that setting, but maybe it does.


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Enrique Ramírez