After trying various things I've managed to change the state of open/closed folders.  Here is what I tried:

1. delete the .DS_Store files (in the directory being opened or it's parent or the children).  And close projects in TextMate and quit TextMate and restart.

2. Open the directories in Finder using List view; toggle the directories to open/close them.

I don't know which of these was actually effective.

There is also the Finder> View Menu > Show View Options dialog which has settings that might be relevant.

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 5:53 PM, Carpii UK <> wrote:
Finder and PathFinder also do the same 

Its a bit of a long-shot, but since nobody else has replied, I wonder if its something thats stored in .DS_Store metadata for that directory?
OSX dumps these everywhere, try deleting any in your project folder and see what happens 

On 18 April 2016 at 17:10, Erik Neumann <> wrote:
Thanks for the tip on option+click, that's helpful.

However, this problem is kind of driving me nuts.  I can't figure out how TextMate determines the state of the folders in the File Browser.  It now never seems to change regardless of any actions I do.  Yet it somehow decided to remember one particular (and somewhat unusual) state.


On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 2:21 AM, Igor K <> wrote:

> In the File Browser sidebar when I open a "project" (a directory), TextMate always shows the same state where some directories are expanded (to multiple levels) and others are not. Is there any rhyme or reason about why TextMate remembers this particular state?

You can use option+click on the opened root folders' arrows to close them with all their inner levels.

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